The good stuff.. Food!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

You and Only You Make it Happen!

That's right.. no one else can make things happen in your life. If your envious of someones good fortune, weight loss, running goals, workout, body.. you have the power within yourself to make things like that happen for you too! 

It's easy to get caught up wishing we had what someone else has. For me.. I always am envious of people going on tropical vacations. Or running a race faster then I can.. or placing before me. Maybe they are thinner then me, or more fit.. or can run more miles in a week.. Or just seem to be having more fun in life.. 

We all need to create our "Make it happen" list. Keep our accomplishments or goals in plain view every day as a reminder of what we want.. 

Every year I make a list of what I want for my life... 

  • Debt free
  • Vacations
  • Exercise Daily
  • Keep the weight off
  • Be happy

The only goal that gets neglected is vacations to some where tropical. How am I going to change this? Work more and earn more.. of course working more mean no time for vacation because I'm too busy working! It's all balance in life.. I have to stop wishing I could go places and start making it a priority! I want to see the world and enjoy life and not keep dreaming about it.. 

This is my Be happy part.. of my..... 30 days of finding happiness... 

Write a goal down that makes you happy! Find a photo.. post it on your frig, wall, computer screen, bathroom mirror.. Write mini baby steps to reach your goal... 

My Goal is go on vacations to tropical places at least 1x a year.. 

  • Save money for vacation - all cash - stash in bank for spending money
  • Work more.. and put in vacation fund. 
  • Advertise to get more jobs
  • Do an Expo to get my business out there.. to get more business
  • Create a website for my business to get the word out.. 
  • Stop procrastinating and do something to get more customers every single day do at least one thing! 
  • Chart my vacation goal progress... or at least write it down in my todo list! 

This time next year.. I'll be able to tell you about the fab vacation I went on and how I made it happen!  

I had to share our new Accomplishment wall... So proud of my kids and me too! 

Here's my injury from yesterday's ski fall... not too bad

Can you see the bruise on my ankle bone? 

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