The good stuff.. Food!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Other Runners.. 29

I'm always in search of finding other blogs about women that also love to run. Mostly I come across those super athletes that do marathons and only talk about what kind of jelly/fuel (or something like that)they are eating during races. What their times were.. pictures of them in super racing gear.. Sure that's all great for them but most of us... just won't ever be at that level. We can't travel the states going from race to race... unlimited funds and time to just run. I just want the down to earth runner... that loves to eat.. shares their ups and downs, offers advice on what's been working and what not been working for them. I love how some include their other life.. out side of running.. Because there is more to life.. more hours in the day to do more things then just run.. 

So.. if you know of any great blogs.. besides the ones I've found..let me know.. and send me a link. 

29 days to happiness... (because we've already done day 31 and 30)
Q: What do you love about the weekend? What's one thing that's going to be fun on your todo list this very weekend? 

Is it watching the super bowl.. going to a party..eating some really good food, going out... eating out.. staying indoors.. just not having to work? 

A: This weekend.. is going to be the first day I advertise for my new personal training business. I'm ready to go.. test out the waters and I'm nervous and excited! 

On my fun todo list.. Cross country skiing.. and doing a home-workout for 30 minutes, cardio-circut. 

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