The good stuff.. Food!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Crash and burn..

I had one of those moments last Friday where I came up with a great business idea. It sounded great in my head! I was all excited and could not wait to get started working on it. I did some brain storming.. and talked to a few key people that would need to get behind my idea.

Without giving away the business idea, lets just say.. it sounded a lot better in my head. When it come to money making.. that too sounded better until I ran some numbers. Then I lost steam.. and desire to do it. I got everyone on board and now I'm not on board with my idea.

I was hoping this was it.. this was the thing I could do with my new love of fitness. I just wanted to figure out a way to make money. I was all excited..and now I lost that excitement...

I would still love to do my idea even if I didn't make much money. What's the point if I don't make anything.. It's a lot of work, a ton of work.. nothing is free. I must spend money to make money. Not sure I want to do that and not get my money out of it.

I am not re-creating the wheel. People have done this business and made money off of it. You just need a lot of people to do that. I'm not sure this is one of those ideas that will work.

So what do I do? I've told everyone this is what I want to do.. now I have little desire to work on it.. Or maybe I'm just afraid of doing it. It's BIG.. BiG for me.. Maybe I need to step away.. I have too much on my plate at the moment and feeling like I can't do it justice right now..

Do you ever have a great idea and it goes no where? 

What's your dream business?  

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