The good stuff.. Food!

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Has anyone tried Spartacus?

You work out with various exercises.. (see photo) and do as many reps in 60 seconds as you can. Rest for 2 minutes then go on to the next exercise and do it for 60 seconds again followed by 2 min of rest etc.. until you finish all 10 exercises.

I decided to try the workout. I'll be helping a cardio class next week do this very same exercise. I needed to see for myself how I liked it. Well, it kicked my buns.. I didn't even use the hand weights. I only did it for 6 minutes.. enough to do 2 of the exercises. This seems like a great way to mix up my exercises and add some new strength and cardio.

Rain's Ratings:
Kicked my butt, YES! *****
Liked it?  ** (not sure I can finish all 10)
Do it again? I have to ... during class! ****

Every week, I'll be trying some new exercises.. I'll be sure to update and give my review.

What foods do you crave?

What exercise kicked your butt? 

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