The good stuff.. Food!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What's Your Number?

Have you ever been asked.. "how much do you weight?" A woman, client of mine recently asked me that very same question. Is it really okay to ask each other how much we weight, when weight is such a sensitive topic?

I am proud of the fact I lost 50 pounds. I have no issue telling people what I use to weight, even though I would have died of  embarrassment at the time when I actually weighted 188. After all, it was a big number.. far from my average high school weight of 125. I was so in denial. I never wanted to look at the scale.

While my weight fluctuates 5 pounds in any given month... 3 pounds in any week.. and a pound or two every day.. It mostly stays around the same weight. My issue is.. what do I tell you that I weight? Do you want to hear my heaviest weight... my mid weight.. or my low..? I'd always like to tell people my absolutely lowest weight, but that would not be honest and I'd only be lying to myself. I know the number of the day. I weight myself every day. I just don't always think that day's weight is the whole picture. Sure, it's still 50 pounds from my all time heaviest weight of 188.. so no fear in letting anyone know. I just had higher hopes of being at my all time low and staying there.

We should all take ownership of our number.. big, medium or small.. Its just one part of the picture of your health. It's all about what you do every day to make yourself healthy and look good.

So when some one asks your number.. what do you do? 

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