The good stuff.. Food!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

It All Started Here."Run, Run my buns off.."

My Fitness blogging started here.. At Run, Run My Buns off 2012..... 
I love how I'm able to look back at all my firsts.. first races, etc.. to see how far I've come... it's my journey.. where I started to keep the weight off, all 50 pounds. While I've gained and lost the same 5 pounds over and over again.. I've pretty much remained the same weight. I still have the last 10 to 15 pounds to lose. Right now.. I'm just concentrating on staying fit.. running every day or doing something to get in 60 minutes or more of exercise. 
Here I am today.. a new blog.. because I need to create a new one every year... I will keep going... 

I truly get the idea behind "There is no finish line".. I look at my past accomplishments and that's just what they are.. in  my past. I know.. there will be many more accomplishments I'll be making and adding, so there is no finish line for me.. as it will keep moving a few steps ahead. I will keep going.. keep fit and will see where this all takes me.. 

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