The good stuff.. Food!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Very Hungry

 Do you ever have mornings where you just feel starved? 

I felt hungry this morning.. really hungry... I usually am not a first thing in the morning got to eat person. It usually takes me an hour or more to want to eat. I have to force myself to eat the 3 plain almonds I down with my caffeine,  I eat them because I don't want to gag on the pills as they go down my throat (I'm not a great pill taker). I am not a coffee drinker either and this is my quick way to wake up at 4:30am.. It's the only time of day I take caffeine . and I don't think it's bad! 

The fiber diet yesterday did fill me up.. I didn't feel deprived of anything.. since I ate fried chicken wings.. it's all about balance, give and take and take less of what's not good! 

I'm moving on to Day 2.. Fiber lets clear this up.. it's just eating more veggies in my diet.. It's Not having flax seeds and prunes.. while those might be great for the digestive system.. I'm not including those types of items. You have to eat what you like... and I can find veggies (full of fiber) to add in my diet. 

I did like re-discovering Sweet Potatoes. Also asparagus will be another good dinner or lunch option. I even treated myself to a granola bar or two.. something sweet but still had oats,.. and grains.. 2% fiber not a whole lot but better then Zero... The scale moved down.. always nice but could be from lack of water too. No need to celebrate yet on any weight loss. I don't do that until at least 5 pounds or more are shed.. 

Please comment....

What is your favorite Veggie? Corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, broccoli, onions, mushrooms and green peppers..

Do you eat prunes or flax seed? Never prunes .. I might have flax seed in bread if it's hidden.

How do you plan on eating healthy balanced diet today? Planning ahead.. Veggie soup for lunch.. Not sure about dinner but it will include a salad. 

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