The good stuff.. Food!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Food issues...

I might get up at 4:30am.. and eat an early b-fast by 7am.. But I needed to wait until noon to eat lunch! 
I've decided it's too easy for me to eat more then I should and miss calculate the calories. I'll be measuring everything to keep on track.. Here's my lunch, 1 cup of rice (I will be switching to brown rice) and pico de gallo salsa.. as much as I want because for 2Tbsp it's only 10 calories plus, its veggies! 
The finished product.. 
A snack.. as many carrots as I want.. if I want.. 
I had not 2 slices of 100 calorie bread today but just one.. with a thin coating of Natural Skippy Peanut butter. 
So what's for dinner? I'm thinking a scrambled egg or two.. 

What have I done for exercise? 
Ran 60 minutes or 6 miles
15 minute abs/arms
60 minutes of gentle yoga
Swam laps 30 minutes or 1 mile
Now off to bike.. I have 10 miles to cover.. 
.. update.. I only biked 8 miles.. it's just too hot 95*F today... I did want to experience that brick.. so I got off my bike and ran around the block.. 1/3 of a mile.. I felt slow.. that must be a brick? 

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