The good stuff.. Food!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Feeling Fat.. Poor Choices!

I'm not eating healthy... I'm not losing weight.. I've gained 10 pounds over the winter.. and I have nothing to wear.... 
Sound familiar? Anyone else having the same issues? Running does not mean you'll lose weight.. exercising all the time does not mean you won't feel fat.. 

No idea of why I'm feeling soo blue.. well, not really. I do need to stop the cycle of poor choices.. Last night I sat in front of TV.. noticed my kids left a bag of Cheetos's on the couch.. I ate not just one.. but kept eating.. I don't want to sabotage my hard efforts at keeping the weight off I lost or all the hard work I do exercising every day.. so why am I making poor choices? 

Time for a running pep talk this morning.. I have to give myself some slack.. I will make mistakes but it doesn't have to turn into days and months of self destructive behaviors.. I've come too far and I work too hard to let everything go..

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