Usually this would not be my idea of fun, to bundle up. It's just not the case today. I'm happy to bundle up because that means I get to cross country ski! I checked the weather report and today is suppose to be in the mid 30's.. Unfortunately, right now its only in the teens, but it's not going to stop me!
I can not forget my Garmin.. I really want to see how many miles I travel and how fast on my ski's. I completely forgot yesterday but that was just a little trial ski trip.. this is the real deal.. I get to ski as much and as far as I want. Skiing is also taking the place of going to the gym and running inside today. I just can't do another day inside the gym.
This is what I will be looking at today while I workout (ski). Its 100 times better then looking at a TV or the wall for an hour +.

Last night was Tim's Birthday (Steve's brother). We had prime rib, mashed potatoes, mushrooms, squash, salad and french onion soup! A ton to eat and I was STUFFED! Can you believe I skipped dessert!
We are now done with December Birthdays for the family. Three birthdays for the month and all from December 19 - 26th!
I have one more night.. then I am only eating healthy foods. I just can't eat more crap! (that includes me caramel rolls, which I had 2 this morning). It kind of hurts my stomach and makes me feel sick. Maybe that's a good thing.. I'll want to stop eating that stuff if I don't feel well.
I read an article about the benefits of being a vegetarian..
It was late.. so my memory is not the best and I'm not going to run and get the article but maybe later I'll go back and post the reference info.. and actual information. the main point was that you will be leaner on a all veggie diet. Dah... time to give up meat or at least cut way back to just 1 time a week. It also included giving up dairy.. bye, bye ice cream at night.
Did I tell you what a great idea I had? Instead of coming up with our own New Year Resolutions.. Ask all family members to come up with one for you... They usually hit it spot on! A little truth never hurts.. well it can but maybe it will help us stick to some good changes in 2014..
So what are some of my "suggested" resolutions for the coming year?
1. Wear more NON-Black colors, I do love black.. just shouldn't wear it every pants don't count, right?
2. Be more patient.. because I'm always in a rush.. Why? I have no idea why I need to do everything quick and go places NOW.
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