The good stuff.. Food!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

I didn't notice.

Have you ever had one of those days where your like... how did I do that and not notice? 
I tried something new on my morning gym workout. I ran 30 easy minutes talking to gym friends on the cross ramp. I then ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I switched between 6.0mph and 7.0mph for 20 minutes and the last 10, I ran at 6.0mph. I usually kept my speed the same, and run random hills. This time I didn't run hills but varied the speed. Its probably good I mix things up even if I don't always want to.. and the only reason I wouldn't want to is because it makes things a lot harder. 

Yes, 7.0mph is fast for me.. and 10 minutes total running that pace was good enough. I'll have to build up over the winter months. It's probably not a bad idea to work on speed if I want to get faster for races there is no other choice. 

I received one of my favorite gifts from my daughter for Christmas... A gift card from the Running Room. I'm trying hard to save this for new running shoes. I'm always tempted to go see what other fun running clothes they have. I do want to check out the equipment for running outside this winter. 
While I was cross country skiing yesterday I came across a few runners on the trails. I would really like to try running in the park but I'd need these Yaktrax to prevent falls..  Speaking of falling.. I fell 2x's yesterday while skiing. I hate falling especially when I do dumb things and it happens as a result of me just looking at my Garmin. I really need to be more careful or at least not be going fast down a hill when I decided to look at my watch. 

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