The good stuff.. Food!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13.. 

What I was thinking about today while running this Friday the 13th? 
About a neighbor friend who asked me if squats really make a difference? (we both have the large buns issue.. )

I have no real way to determine if my buns are better off  (I can't even see them). I do know my 50 squats a day are easy for me, but it wasn't always so easy. I use to be out of breath when I was done. Now it's not really a challenge. Must mean I need to add more squats or use weights while doing my 50 squats. 

All I know.. is that my buns would be HUGE without all my running.. I think the Squats are a bonus.. This blog is about running my buns off.. and that's exactly what I do every day. I run to make me stronger and healthy. 

I always knew even as a young kid that I would struggle with weight. I had an 80% chance of becoming obese due to both parents being over weight. I also figured I had to age 40 to get my act together and start taking better care of me. I didn't want to live a life fat and out of shape.  My body isn't perfect.. I'm not working towards perfection, but I'm working to be the best I can be.. and not be too hard on myself for things I can't control. I want to be happy, healthy and enjoy all of life.. leave the negative people out of my life.. 

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