The good stuff.. Food!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

I almost didn't make it...

To keep my running fitness up over the winter months I must take time to run on the treadmill. I usually save the treadmill for weekends which is exactly what I did.. 

Today, running was hard. I started off running 5.5mph.. not fast, but with hills (incline 1.5) I have to work hard. I ran for 30 minutes, took a short break and ran the other 30 minutes. The last 30 I decided to play around with the speed. Up to 7.0mph, down to 6.0 and back to 5.5mph. The last 10 minutes I decided no hills.. just run on the flat treadmill and run at 7.0mph because I didn't think I'd finish running 6 miles today. I wanted to stop after mile 1, then mile 3.. 4.. 5.. but I always push on. A good song on the radio might help motivate me to keep going, thoughts of getting fat, not racking up enough miles for the week and the fact that today should be my longer running day.. 10+ miles.. I don't have it in me.. Just wanted to get through the 6 miles and call it good for cardio. 

I was starving when I got home. Thankfully, we had leftovers from last nights dinner. Plus, I love water and since I sweat buckets while running, I need to re-hydrate. I think being hungry is one reason why I can't get motivated to do a longer run. I need a food break or I'll need to eat more then 1 slice of wheat bread with chunky peanut butter. I did try those orange fuel chews other runners swear by.. but I'd rather eat real food to get in calories and have enough energy to run on... 
I've been thinking a lot about my future running plans for the spring/summer. I really want to figure out how I can get myself though running 26.2 miles a marathon. I've already decided that I will walk through water stations to make sure I can drink. I'm also going to start running with candies for quick energy and eat one every mile for a reward. I kind of like that thinking.. I'm going to work on running 2 times a day after cross country skiing season is done. I'm hoping this will be a good plan to running 26.2 miles. I've also found the perfect race... In Sioux Falls, SD in September.. a flat, fast marathon.. Its in the top 10 for the most people qualifying to run the Boston Marathon. I'm not looking for that qualifying time.. It will be on my mind, although.. I have no intentions of ever running that especially after last years bombing. 
I also want to do another half marathon.. Most runners like this distance and hate the 5K's because they are too painful. I have yet to be in a running race that isn't painful no matter the distance. It's just a matter of how long do you want the pain to last? 20 some minutes or up to 2 hours? A marathon will be 4 long hours and maybe longer. I have to stop being afraid and just take baby steps to accomplish another big fitness goal.. 

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