The good stuff.. Food!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Ice covered and snow...

 I was a bit worried about driving this morning to the gym. It was icy and we had snow on the roads. Not exactly ideal conditions, but there is no stopping us.. 
Steve burned 810 calories this morning running. According to my calories burned it's only 700. I'll give him the extra 100 just because he weights more and does 20 minutes of really fast hard running. I just kind of stay steady, but have random hills. 
 Since tomorrow is Saturday, I was going to try the treadmill. Might still do that? I'm not sure what I'll feel like doing. I'm so use to running outside on the weekends now I have indoor running options. 
I'm trying to eat more veggies. At lunch I had a salad, with lite ranch and the last cinnamon bagel with a lot of smart butter. I probably could have cut back on the butter.. I also found a Prevention magazine.. so that was my lunch. 

I was trying to figure out what the kids would eat for dinner. I just really wanted a sweet potato and the acorn squash. I know better then to serve just that to the kids. I had this great idea. (I've probably saw this somewhere else but I think it was my idea) to make baked chicken dipped in Ranch dressing and coated with crushed crispy potato chips and sprinkled with cracked pepper. This was a winner! Even picky Logan really liked it after a little convincing to just try it.. 

Store bought rolls. No I didn't make any bread like I had planed. I was super tired and took a 30 minute power nap after reading all my new books from the library. I picked out a good selection of marathon running books, how to make a free blog, a fiction book, some other running info and diet books. So much to read, plus I have the 3rd book, Mocking-jay from the Hunger Game book series to finish reading. If only I could take the time and get them on audio and listen to them while I run. Something to work on.. 

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