The good stuff.. Food!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Sitting around in sweaty clothes and Freezing!

I am not feeling snugly warm. I just ran my 8 miles and all I could think about was eating breakfast. Instead of waiting to eat after I've showered and dressed for the day.. I dug right into my breakfast, 2 slices of wheat bread with PB and two small bananas. I'm chilled to the bone and still I don't want to get up off the couch. 
It sure felt a lot chillier then 39+F this morning. I still get hot and sweaty.. I lose my new head band as soon as I hit mile 1. I've learned it makes a good wind blocker for my hands if they get cold. 
I also start off wearing these fuzzy purple gloves. They end up tied into my pink shirt that I shed at mile 1 too. I'm going to need one more layer so I'd better start looking sooner then later because when it get a tad bit colder I'm going to need one more layer to shed. 

My phone is ringing off the hook this morning.. Not always a bad thing, for more work but I just hate those Charity Pick up calls or the ones from out of state places were we don't know anyone and know it has to be a sales call of some sorts. What happened to the do not call list? 
Now there is some toe protection! Don't look at the ugly nail polish and the other messed up toe nails.. What's covered up is my in need of repair toe nail. I came up with this 2 band-aid idea to keep my nail as protected as possible while I run. It seems to be doing the trick.. hasn't gotten worse and its' not lifting up any more then it already has. Nothing is worse then running with really sore toe nails. You have no idea! 

Don't remind me about saying I wanted to run 13 miles.. I think I figured out why I don't want to run more then 8... my feet start hurting right at mile 7... I usually can't wait to get home. I am still thinking about doing another 5 later on this afternoon. Food and wanting to eat always gets in the way.. Who wants to run on an empty stomach? Not usually me... 

Time to get off this couch and go warm up with a really hot shower.. 

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