The good stuff.. Food!

Monday, October 21, 2013

I heard the garage door...

It's that familiar sound.. the garage door going up. I could hear it way upstairs just as I had decided to get out of bed and go to the gym. I was too late, Steve was already out the door and in the car without me. 
Of course he had no idea I wanted to go. I was laying awake for hours last night, my usual 2 am to 4am.. trying to sleep, but knowing darn well it was not going to happen. (I try those deep breathing techniques for runners or for yoga...where your suppose to breath from your stomach, count to 2 in and 2 out. It's harder then you think.. I do this when running up hills too.. I think it helps distract me from my pounding heart.) Early, early in the morning is when I decided to just go and lift weights while Steve worked out on the cross ramp but now that was not going to happen. I had good intentions.. and I'm not sure how he slipped out of bed, got ready and I never heard a peep. 
I am trying to make the most out of missing my ride to the gym and did my yoga stretches.. that lasted all of 15 minutes.. I looked at the kettle bell and hand weights for a second before deciding to just check the weather on my phone.. That probably was not a good idea.. The coldest day yet.. 30+F.. and highs only up to 37.. I'm already to run.. and I figure I've got a few more minutes before I need to go outside and face the cold head on... I'm trying hard to NOT think about how chilly I'll be the first mile.. 
I just love Cuties.. and they will be waiting for me to eat the second I get in the door from my run. That in itself is motivation enough to get me to run. 

Here's the novel I just finished, Prayers and Lies an excellent book that I could not put down.. 5 stars!! I just hate finishing a good book.. I'll get over it soon as I just started on another book... 

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