The good stuff.. Food!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Way Past 500 Miles..

I've put on way more miles then 500 on these running shoes. I've read and heard from other runners how it's important to get new running shoes every 500 miles. Well, if my average miles for the week are in the 40's.. my monthly totals are 160 miles in a month, which means I'd be buying new running shoes every 3 months. Anyone who runs knows running shoes and I mean good ones come at a price around $100+. I know feet are super important while running and mine still feel good after having ran.. over 700 miles with my favorite Pearl Izumi's.. They say to "run like an animal". I never knew I had such big feet until trying on running shoes. They have to be roomy for your toes... or you end up with black ones.. I made that mistake too. Always buy running shoes larger! I normally wear a 8 or 8.5... or at least I thought!

(This is my shoe!) LIGHT STABILITY. Raising the bar again, the Women's syncroFloat® IV runs and feels better than ever. With a touch of support for the mild pronator, this is a smooth, well cushioned and responsive shoe for the efficient runner.
They kind of look like bowling shoes but I got past that because they feel amazing on my feet.

The other 2 pairs of shoes.. (purple & hot pink Adidas) were learner shoes.. I still love my pink shoes and only use them for indoor on the cross ramp. The purple pair is more of a trail shoe since the soles have all those ridges.. they could have been a size bigger but I was still learning when they were purchased.

What should be my next shoe purchase? I've heard many good things about Brooks running shoes? Might have to try some on and figure out if I can run in them and my feet like them... 
Cookie A                                     Cookie B
Speaking of NOT liking.. Steve's mom made some chocolate chip cookies yesterday and so did I.. A little background.. I make cookies almost every day! Steve's mother is an excellent cook/baker.

Can you tell which cookies I made? Take a guess and let me know! 

Here's the answer.. Mine are Cookie "A"... Yes, I still don't have that chocolate chip cookie figured out. I might never!  I don't like it that I can't make a good cookie, after all these are my absolutely favorite.. or maybe it's just the cookie dough I love! I managed to eat 6 of my mother-in laws cookie at one sitting. Yum! 

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