The good stuff.. Food!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Little Chunk

I have just a little chunk of fat around my middle. It's not a whole lot but when you wear tight tank tops and tight pants it's very noticeable, at least to me. I'm going to be like everyone else, I need to lose 10 pounds. That will help the little chunk around my middle and help with my bun dimples. No  one ever notices a 10 pound in weight drop unless you are already under weight. I am hoping to notice the difference in those areas where it needs a little less fat. There is really no way to lose weight in only those areas. I can't even target those areas with exercise and expect it only to dissolve away there.. It's an overall tone up!

Anything I do run, walk, ski, lift weights as long as I do something, I will tone. As long as I cut calories I will lose weight. I don't have to cut many to lose weight, just 500 per day.. I should lose a pound a week so in 10 weeks.. 10 pounds.. Slow and steady..

I managed to lose 50 pounds and stayed motivated. I should be able to lose just 10. Small baby steps that are attainable.. That's the right way to make changes.

So here's to week 1, day 1... Here are my baby steps..

Stretching - 10 minutes
Cardio- cross ramp 63 minutes.. 6 miles
Weights (abs/arms) - 15 minutes
Work.. clean 4 hours..
Cross country ski 60 minutes..

Eating Plan:
B-fast: 3 almonds (before working out w/water)
2 bananas, 1/2 c. Blue berries, and 2 toast w/butter & jelly

Lunch - Microwaved sweet potato w/ 1 banana

Dinner -

Snack - popcorn

What are my plans for today.. Workout/study, eat healthy (follow plan), work 4 hours, cross country ski, Shop (errands) Study/Internet down time.. Sign up for ACE test!!!

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