The good stuff.. Food!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I Did It!!!!!

I passed!!! I PASSED.. I did it.. I DID IT!

I'm officially ACE .... American Counsel of Exercise Certified! And Proof of it!

Not the best scores in the world.. but I just needed 70% or a score of 500 to pass and I got 570.
It was 150 questions and it took me almost exactly 3 hours.. the entire time for the test! Yes, they are timed! It was nothing like the practice tests.. much harder and it drained me. I was sooo happy to push the score button, I never even thought about going back to re-check some answers. I was DONE!

What a huge Relief! Now to get my nice reward.. An ACE Personal Trainer Jacket and matching T-shirt. Got to look professional!

I also treated myself to a stress relieving cross country skiing in the wood for an hour.. Now off to eat.. ribs to celebrate and I'm starved!

What color Personal Trainer Jacket do you think I should get? 
Originally, I was thinking a red jacket and now I'm leaning towards black. I just don't know!!! Help!

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