The good stuff.. Food!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Needing Something Else..

This morning was tough getting out of bed to go workout... It's not like I wanted to sleep but I'm just bored with my route-en... you know get up at 4:30am, stretch and be at the gym on the cross ramp at 5 - 6:00am.. followed by 20 minutes (because I'm always 5 to 10 minutes late) of abs, arms..Resistance training.. 

 I always spend my 60 minutes running.. while studying the topic of the week.. and it's about the Digestive System. I have thoughts of trying something new.. like the stepper next to me.. but I'm just not sure how I would study and climb. 

Today.. I saw a magazine Self.. It was a good distraction and a mental break. We all need those and I needed something else today to keep me going and motivated. It worked.. and I was able to focus for at least 30 minutes on my studying.. 

What's on my cross training agenda today? 

Gentle Yoga.. yes I did yoga yesterday, but that was fitness.. this one I'm hoping is more relaxing.. although yesterday I just wanted to sleep after yoga.. I'm thinking I need to do yoga before bed. Good thing I purchased that Yoga book. I'll be trying it before bed tonight to de-compress and put me in that sleepy state. I'll let you know if it works for me.. 

I'm also going to do a Step class.. I have no idea of what to expect. I just hope it's not a lot of jumping.. because once again.. I'm doing a core conditioning class right after that! I don't want to pee my pants again! 

The rest of the day after my classes will be spent on a lecture.. and working on Women on the Run.. Exciting things to come.. 

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