The good stuff.. Food!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Home Workout.. Work My Buns Off

We have big plans to eat pastry's for b-fast this morning.. No time for the gym. I did the agility ladder for 60 minutes. I had Steve be my timer.. Every minute I switched foot work.. I had him watch the DVD so he would know the steps and be able to relay them to me. This was a great workout. It kept my heart rate 120 or below in my fat burning zone. Exactly what I need to do more of. Plus, I was just as hot and sweaty as a full hour of running on the cross ramp. I even did my abs on the stability ball. I will definitely do this workout again.. and bring it on vacation when I can't get in a workout any other way!

Last night.. Steve finally decided to give up his dinosaur of a cell phone.. He got something to last.. indestructible . and I think he found it with this phone because it just would not die! Finally, yesterday it was giving him trouble.. it wasn't calling out and he could not sent texts.. I won't even go into the  way he had to text.. lets just say.. ridiculous!
New Technology.. he moved into 2013.. with his cell not 2000... 
Now.. I can complain about him always being on his phone! lol....

What technology are you behind on? 

Do you ever do home workouts? What are they? 

What's for your Saturday b-fast?

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