The good stuff.. Food!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Quiz Day... Check back to see my answers!!

National Running Day Quiz...via....

1.  On average how many races do you run a year? I did 5 last year and I have no average because last year really was my first race year.. other then my first ever the year before.

2.  Head accessories, things you have to run with:  a hat, a visor, sunglasses, chapstick, sunscreen, head band, ponytail, braids, sweat band?
Lip gloss, visor, sunglasses, ponytail, ipod, earbuds, HR monitor, watch

3.  Where do your workouts come from?  A training plan, a coach, whatever you feel like doing that day or what your training partner is doing that day?
In my head...

4.  How many miles on average do you put on a pair of shoes?  I am well over 500 miles.. 

5.  Cell phone=  do you bring it with you on your run or leave it at home? Leave it at home.. too big. 

6.  What was your last running related injury or have you been an injury free runner? Sore 3 little toes on my left foot. Hoping the new Brooks running shoes will cure that!

7.  Is your current running goal about running a farther distance (adding more mileage) or getting faster or BOTH?!?

8.  Speedwork—->  at the track, on the treadmill, on the roads or never do it?
Roads only.. 

9.  Stretching after a run:  hit the ground after a run and get stretching, stretch in the shower, stretch once you get to work/school, skip the stretching?
Stretching first thing when I get up.. to wake up and after working out.. 

10.  What was your reason(S) for starting to run?  Keep the weight off 50 pounds, and lose a few more pounds. Get rid of the flab..

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