The good stuff.. Food!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

No Music!

I decided to leave the Ipod at home.. I really am sick of my music selection and hardly listen to it any way. Plus, I've read it's not really good to run alone with music in your ear for a number of reasons. It was nice just listening to the outdoor sounds.. 
I've been getting up later and later which means I have a hard time wanting to leave for work at 9am.. Lucky me.. I can really leave anytime I want but the sooner I get out the door the sooner I can be done and be home for the day! 
I made these delicious M&M cookies yesterday and thought about having one cookie for fuel before my 7 mile run today. I ran really slow at 35 minutes for 3.5 miles both ways.. Guess eating just 3 almonds and 3 m&m's aren't enough to run on.. 

I know I've mentioned how tired I've been lately.. I'm sure it has to do with the increased running miles.. I napped yesterday for an hour and slept not so great last night but still could have slept more.. Sleep seems to be my biggest challenge.. feeling super tired mid afternoon and having zero energy then waking up at 9pm when I should be going to bed and then not sleeping well all night until around 4:30am.. then I could keep on sleeping.. 

Any suggestions for getting a good night sleep? 

Favorite cookie? 

What time did you get up this morning? 

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