The good stuff.. Food!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Food Issues!

I don't always eat very healthy but I'm trying... or sometimes I try, but lately I give in to a lot that is not so good for me. 
This was a delicious meal cooked by Steve. I'd never eat this well if it was not for his great cooking skills. I'd be settling for some boxed or frozen meals if I had to do all the cooking. 

I have been extra lazy lately and I think it all has to do with my diet. I feel blah... and can't seem to snap out of it.. My todo lists are not getting done and things that I usually enjoy I have no energy or desire to do anything.. I'd rather just lay on the couch and read the afternoon and evening away... I do think my poor afternoon food choices are dragging me down..
I keep telling myself today is the day that I limit my foods. I'm starting to fall back in that old pattern of not caring and just wanting to lay here and get fat again.. 

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