The good stuff.. Food!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pop Can Set Me Off...

Pop, Diet Pepsi or Coke has a way of setting me off. I use to only drink diet pop. I loved it, the taste, how food was so much better with it, that first fizzy gulp... I didn't love how it made me feel, craving more, thirsty, full of air from all the carbonation and just plain blah..

Steve had a way of always reminding me of how bad it was for your body. How we should not drink "diet" pop. I was reminded of this on a constant basis when I was addicted to pop. I say addicted because that's all I wanted.. and it was a bad habit. I'd drink at least 2-2 liters of it per day. 

I have been diet pop free for over 2 years. On a very rare occasion I'll have a root beer, but its full calorie never diet. Otherwise.. it's plain good old water.. the best thing for you and some white wine with dinner on Sunday or a glass Saturday night. 

This morning on the news there was yet another study on how bad diet pop was for you to drink. Steve being on the machine next to me running.. uninterrupted my concentration with studying bones for my next test to tell me I should look at the TV. Normally, I am interested in what he points out.. I was surprised at how defensive I got at that instance. I did not want to hear any study of how bad it is for you to drink. I know first hand what it did to me.. I gained 50 pounds drinking the stuff. It's like a non-drinker telling a recovering alcoholic how bad alcohol is for your body.. don't you think they already know first hand? 

Of course he had no idea this would set me off. I just heard.. in my own head.. Your doing something bad.. you need to pay attention and stop. I felt like.. Wow.. I might as well never have quit the way the information is being shoved down my throat. That's not what he meant at all.. and I know it.. he just didn't know were I was coming and what was in my head.. I just felt I was being poked.. 

Glad we cleared that up.. 


What are your HOT buttons? 

What if any thing were you or are you addicted to? 

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