The good stuff.. Food!

Saturday, October 26, 2013


It's race day. This race is late in the day which I don't like but I must admit I liked not having to get up early today. This race is the one I crashed at last year. I was super sick by the time I finished all I could do was sit on the grass and sneeze over and over again. Plus, it was the race they Did Not have water at the end of the race. I'm someone who never drinks the water along the race but I do really need it when I finish.. Almost in a panic way.. I need WATER Now!!!! 
This was my crazy costume from last year.. Wearing something similar this year.. just mini mouse instead on the shirt. Simple, easy, cheap and won't be too hot or in the way of running.

 I decided to have happy hour last night with neighbors and had a few glasses of wine instead of eating dinner... went to bed with a slight headache that continued for hours.. until I finally got up and took aspirin. I'm not much of a drinker for the most part, so one glass usually is more then enough.. What was I thinking doing this the night before a race? Not a smart move. but this race is suppose to be for fun! I just have to remember that one! 
I'm making Steve do the plank challenge with me.. this is his day 2.. in waiting for me position to do a 1 minute and 30 second plank.. I can tell he is concentrating really hard.. Planks are just a lot quicker when you can do it together.. time planking doesn't seem to drag on and on... I'm waiting for the day I stop shaking.. When does that exactly happen?

I finally made the perfect pancakes.. perfectly cooked for those that like them extra golden brown..I'm still more like the other pancakes.. on the bottom.. lightly browned.. A good before race food! 

Off to stretch.. and be nervous for a few hours.. I just want to run and get it over with!!!!!!!!

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