The good stuff.. Food!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Very Dark Start

I stepped outside this morning and looked up.. millions and millions of stars.. 
My plan for the morning workout was to run hills OUTSIDE in the dark for an hour.. No indoors running for me.. It's too boring! Loved.. running this morning.. even though hills are tough.. it felt great! 60 minutes and I'm guessing at least 6 miles! 
Look who I found.. sleeping on some workout equipment.. Well he claims it was a rest break..

Did you know it's been 4 weeks now since I've been doing 50 daily squats? Its now a habit that was really hard to do and still is.. I'm getting better at wanting to do it.. actually, I just do it and don't ask if I want to or not. 

Last night I had a really nice 12 mile ... 54 minute bike ride all through the city.. I'm discovering so many new roads.. I would love to use the new tri bike.. but I'd never get a good workout.. it's just too easy.. so I'll stick to my mountain bike.. 
Steve keeps telling me about putting a penny on the rail road tracks... when a  train comes along it will flatten out the penny.. 
I just happen to find a penny in my bike bag.. so I figured why not? 
It will fun to go look tonight to see if I can find my penny.. ?

The best part of finishing up my bike ride.. is watching the last half of practice where the boys scrimmage against each other.. 


Are you trying to make something a habit? Eating healthy Snacks

What's your favorite thing to do in the evening? Bike, watch my kids play sports and a nightly game of cribbage

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