The good stuff.. Food!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Little Shocked!

Somethings come out of no where and surprise you.. some good and some not so good. Last night in Celina's soccer games. One of the girls who is not the best player made a goal. I loved seeing her reaction and how the team was super excited for her to score. Her father wasn't at the game and I over heard another mother saying "Your Daughter has some exciting news to share"... It was a feel good moment for everyone last night. I love seeing things like that...
A little out of the norm day for me, I got to spend the late morning.. and lunch working with Steve. He needed help painting this deck and since I had the day off... I was recruited to help. I love working together and painting was fun and different. It felt great to help him out and work together. My arms also got a workout which was good to use other muscles. 

I also have to share the yummy stuffed peppers Steve made for dinner Sunday night. I added extra rice so they are a bit buried under all the salsa and rice but believe me.. this is my favorite kind of meal..
 Wouldn't you know it.. I never went to get more whole grain bread yesterday.. Instead we did a ton of back to school clothes shopping.. This morning I had to eat up the rest of the cinnamon bread.. White bread.. Oh well.. .it was yummy and now I'm working on eating a banana and a bowl of fresh blueberries. I promise to eat healthy today and get in more veggies!
I wanted to save my "A little Shocked" for last.. I read a blog daily.. Hungry runner girl..(I don't even know her and I feel like I do) I was super, super shocked to read she filed for divorce. It seemed like she had the perfect life.. baby turning 1, married to a in school lawyer, stay at home mom making money off her blog and teaching spin class.. living in sunny California.. and a runner.. Positive person that never let on how things really were going.. From the looks of things.. she was painting her life to be perfect and that's just what you can do when keeping a blog. Post what you want and leave the not so happy stuff out.. I guess after getting over the "Shock" and surprise. I took note how I am super happy in my marriage.. I found the person I could not live without.. I need to give Steve more credit for making our lives great together! We definitely complement each other... and it some how works perfectly.. 

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