The good stuff.. Food!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Are we loving the snow?

Hey there Mr. Snowman.. What are you still doing here April 20th? Shouldn't you be long gone? 

I am having a rather lazy Saturday.. Sound familiar? I did do something... I made a mini Mr. Snowman. on the door step. He seems out of place to be hanging around.. It's sunny and it sure feels good soaking up the sunshine even if it's only 40*F...

I have this problem every Saturday.. I workout long and hard.. then my energy level drops! What happened to Exercising makes you have more energy? It clearly does not! I did figure out what I need. Naps.. yes.. but more caffeine  I am going to try just having a little when I'm feeling like I could use a pick me up.. I've been reaching for ice cream.. cookies etc.. and its not working.. it just zaps my energy even more.. and then I've eaten a bunch of empty calories. 

I was kind of disappointing to find out swimming is just not a big calorie burner like running. Well, I knew that but didn't want to believe it. For all my hard work in the pool.. I burn about 250 to 300 calories.. and it depends on the stroke and effort. I give myself a moderate pace.. .. Biking about the same too.. I can't get too hung up on the number of calories burned.. I'm really doing all this exercise so I don't die doing a tri.. I would rather be over prepared then sucking air or water.. 


Have any tricks or suggestions for getting rid of the lazies? 

Are you a snowman builder, snow eater? 

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