The good stuff.. Food!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

It's a good thing when..

I remembered to get more of my favorite chunky peanut butter. I used up the last of it on my 1 slice of bread before heading out to the gym. I'd be pretty disappointed if I couldn't eat another slice without peanut butter!
It was extremely difficult running on the treadmill this morning. I walked and talked to another gym friend for 20 minutes before even starting to run. I had to share baby Evan photos and of course she was excited to hear all the baby news and see Even's photo. I do love sharing baby photos..isn't that what Nana's do best? 

I ended up running maybe 20 minutes at 6.0mph.. then talking to another gym friend for 15 minutes.. Everyone needs to see baby pix.. again way more important then working out. 

I'm guessing I only ran/walked 3 miles today.. maybe for 45 minutes. I just had to go do something and I know my gym friends were all waiting to hear the baby news. Because that is the most exciting part of our life. 

I'll have to fit in my 50 squats with 8pounds each hand of dumb bells.. 2 minutes of planks and a minute of superman.. 

Off to frost a cake, take care of pups and decorate for the baby's home coming today! 

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